Impactful Project: Telegraph Townhomes
Kulshan Community Land Trust and Habitat for Humanity Whatcom County partnered on their biggest project to date – Telegraph Townhomes. The first 8 homes are nearly complete and many more are in the works. This partnership has allowed both organizations to increase their impacted on the affordable housing crisis in Whatcom County. Kulshan Community Land Trust & Habitat for Humanity would like to thank Whatcom Community Foundation and countless other businesses and individuals for their support in making this partnership project a success.
Some quotes from home buyers:

“I never thought I’d be able to get a home. I’m so grateful because as a single mom, having my own home was never going to be a possibility”
Magdalena Orozco Valecia

“I come out for the morning, or maybe a full day. I get to contribute to not only my future, but the future of my neighbors.”
Bobby Lawrence

“ I thought I’d be renting forever…. I wanna be in a community and get to know all our neighbors.”
Greg Meling