Bellingham For Everyone engages residents of Bellingham to help find and champion housing solutions that work for all, create opportunities for more diverse housing choices in all neighborhoods, and contribute towards equitable, prosperous, healthy, and vibrant communities for everyone.

Become an Ally!

Now you have the opportunity to become a Bellingham For Everyone Ally! If you want an equitable, prosperous, healthy, and vibrant community for everyone, then sign up to become a Bellingham For Everyone Ally using the form below. As an ally, you have the opportunity to receive monthly newsletters and learn how you can get more involved.

Share your Housing Story!

We want to hear from you!

We’re sharing stories and photos like yours to highlight the people who live here. That’s you and your loved ones!

Did you grow up here? Did you move for a job, romance, school, or adventure? Why Bellingham? Are you living with roommates, friends, or other relatives? Are you renting a studio, telecommuting, looking to move, or totally in love with your neighborhood? Has it been difficult to find a place to call home?

Stories like yours help illustrate why a thriving city is stronger—and more livable and lovable—when we encourage more homes of all shapes and sizes to give all kinds of people plenty of affordable options and keep prices from shooting out of reach.

Become a Bellingham For Everyone Ally!

By submitting your Housing Story, you are giving Bellingham For Everyone and the Whatcom Housing Alliance permission to share your story and pictures on our website and various social media platforms.